EC-Net Email Group
EC-Net is a Google Groups-based email list for residents of the neighborhood served by the ECA. (See our service area.) Any resident subscribed to the list can send an email to all other members of the list. We moderate the list for compliance with policies before it is posted.
EC-Net is an easy way for residents to convey information for or about the neighborhood that may be of interest to other residents. It is a forum to announce news or events of relevance to neighbors, to conduct non-commercial transactions among neighbors (e.g., find a babysitter, ask for recommendations about local services), and learn what's happening in the neighborhood. The ECA Board of Directors also uses the email list to communicate with our residents (e.g., to announce ECA news or events). See the posting and reply rules, below.
Group name: EC-Net: Edgemoor (Bethesda, MD) Citizens Network
Group home page: https://groups.google.com/g/edgemoor
Group email address: edgemoor@googlegroups.com
Signing Up for EC-Net
To use the list, Google says that you must have a Google account (although you do not need to have a Google email address (Gmail)). However, we’ve never heard of anyone who could not use the group - even without a Google account. The only limitation may be the inability to access the EC-Net Home Page on Google Groups, but you should still be able to send and receive group emails. So, don’t let that stop you from joining. There are two ways to sign up:
The easiest way to sign up for the group is to just email the group moderator (edgemoorcitizens@gmail.com) and ask to join. You must live in the area served by the ECA, and you must include your resident address in the email in order to be added to the group.
There is also a standard procedure for signing up for any Google Group, which you can also try. Visit the group site (https://groups.google.com/g/edgemoor). At that point, you may be asked to either sign in to your Google account or create one (unless you are already signed in). After you sign in to your Google account, you should return to the EC-Net Group page (if you are not automatically routed there). Click on "Apply for Membership." The next page will be a very short application. IMPORTANT: Please make sure to include your name and resident address in the box on this page. Then click "Apply to join this group" at the bottom of the page. If there is a problem with this process, see method #1, above.
The EC-Net moderator will review the application and contact you if there are any questions. Once your membership is confirmed, you will receive a brief confirmation email from Google Groups and a separate email with instructions on using the group.
Reviewing and Searching Old EC-Net Messages
To see older EC-Net messages, you must be a member of the Google Group. See instructions above for joining the group. Note that if you don’t have a Google account, you may not be able to access older messages.
To review all EC-Net messages, visit the EC-Net Google Group page (https://groups.google.com/g/edgemoor). You will see all the posted messages listed in reverse chronological order (newest first). To search for specific message content, use the grey search box near the top center of the page.
Sending and Receiving Messages
To send a message, prepare a normal email message, addressed to edgemoor@googlegroups.com. You must send the message from the email address that you registered with EC-Net. Please proof read your message carefully so there will not be a need to “clarify” it with a subsequent message. Multiple messages on the same subject are prohibited.
You can also send messages directly from the EC-Net Google Group page by clicking the red "New Topic" button.
The group moderator will review the message to ensure that it follows list policies and then post it. Please be patient. The volunteer moderator checks messages multiple times each day, but not continuously. The message may be posted within a few minutes, or it may be several hours.
You have four choices for how to receive Email messages posted to the group. You can receive:
Each new message as it is posted (generally, an average of less than 1 each day);
A daily summary of all messages posted that day;
A compilation of messages every 25 messages; or
No email messages.
The ECA recommends option #1 (receive each new message as it is posted). None of the other options provides you with timely information. In addition, because of the small number of messages posted and the fact that the list is moderated, this option will not be obtrusive. This is the default setting for the email list, and it is how new member accounts will be initially set up. You can change that setting any time. If you have trouble changing the setting, contact the group moderator (edgemoorcitizens@gmail.com) and the moderator can make the change for you.
EC-Net Usage Guidelines for Posting and Replying to Messages
Posting Messages
When posting messages, use common sense, respect for others, and courtesy. Confrontation and abuse are prohibited and will result in removal from the group.
EC-Net is for the exclusive use of subscribers in the neighborhood, and only members of the list who reside in the neighborhood may post messages. Do not post messages on behalf of others unless the message is specifically related to our community.
Sign all posts with your first and last name.
Do not post commercial messages or advertisements. Whether something is "commercial" can be a judgment call and the moderator will make that judgment as fairly as possible. Here are some examples to illustrate what's allowed and what's not:
A post about your teenager looking for babysitting jobs in the neighborhood is fine. A post seeking clients for your brother's nanny referral service company is not.
A post seeking a buyer for a piece of unwanted furniture or publicizing a yard sale in the community is fine. A post advertising an estate auction or your sister's antique business is not.
A post advertising your child's school music event is fine. A post promoting your wife's DJ business or recording studio is not.
A post seeking additional neighborhood clients for your housekeeper/nanny is fine. A post advertising a commercial cleaning service is not.
Do not make multiple postings for the same reason or event. For example, if you are giving away or selling something, do not send a follow-up message to the entire group saying the object has been taken or thanking people for responding. Also, make sure your messages are clear an understandable so there is no need to send a second message clarifying the first, which is prohibited.
Exception: Two postings are allowed to publicize upcoming events (e.g., one posting well in advance and a second posting a day or two before the event).
Messages cannot reveal private information about others (e.g., address, phone number, license plate number).
Do not post about disputes with neighbors.
Do not post security camera images, security alerts, or requests for security camera images. Exception: You may make this kind of post if specifically requested by the police. The moderator will verify the police request before posting the message.
Do not post religious messages, political messages, chain email messages, jokes, or messages that are offensive or abusive.
Do not post fundraising appeals or any other similar messages unless they are specifically related to our community — regardless of how worthy the cause.
If you want to post a message, but it would not comply with these rules, see Alternatives to EC-Net, below.
Common acceptable posts
Here are some examples of the kinds of postings that are appropriate for EC-Net:
Lost/found pets or property;
Neighborhood-related meetings;
Neighborhood crime events;
New neighbors (with their permission, of course);
Helping neighbors;
Items for sale or to give away (private, not commercial);
Requests for recommended service providers (see “Recommendations for Service Providers,” below for instructions); and
Non-professional services offered (e.g., neighborhood teens offering to mow lawns or babysit)
Replying to Messages
If you are replying to a post, reply only to the original poster. Do not "Reply All." This is, by far, the rule that is most frequently disregarded. If your email program is set up to “reply all” by default, you should consider changing it. It’s inconsiderate to waste hundreds other subscribers’ time when you’re addressing one person.
Exception: If your reply is urgent and of great interest to the entire email list, you may reply to the whole group. However, such instances should be rare, and the moderator will not permit multiple back-and-forth messages and replies on the same topic. If you want to engage in a discussion with the person who posted a message, that discussion should take place privately between the two of you--not on the entire email list.
And, please do not post unnecessary follow-up messages to prior postings (e.g., thanking people for responding to a prior message, or telling everyone that an offered item has been taken).
Recommendations for Service Providers
When responding to a group member’s post seeking recommendations for a service provider (e.g., a plumber, baby sitter, doctor), respond only to the sender of the original message. If you want to recommend a service provider to neighbors, or you are looking for a service provider, please check out the ECA’s compilation of Service Provider Recommendations. This Google Spreadsheet contains recommendations compiled by neighbors for providers, arranged by type of service. If you want to recommend someone, please feel free to add them to the spreadsheet, which is open to everyone. If you’re looking for someone, check the spreadsheet before posting a request in EC-Net. If you receive recommendations from other neighbors, and you would like to make them available to everyone, please add them. If you have difficulty accessing or using the spreadsheet, just email EdgemoorCitizens@gmail.com and we will be glad to help.
Alternatives to EC-Net
There are several alternative ways to post messages that are prohibited on EC-Net to a wide local audience. Even for messages that would be allowed on EC-Net, some of these may be better choices. They include:
Nextdoor Edgemoor (https://nextdoor.com/neighborhood/edgemoormd--bethesda--md/);
Ring Neighbors App (https://shop.ring.com/pages/neighbors)
The Edgemoor Community Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/35698732491/);
The BCC Community listserv (https://groups.io/g/bcccommunity);
FreeCycle (https://groups.freecycle.org/group/Bethesda_ChevyChaseMD/posts/all) and/or Freecycle-BCC-MD (https://groups.io/g/Freecycle-BCC-MD);
Craig's List Metro DC Area (https://washingtondc.craigslist.org/) and
Craig's List MD (https://washingtondc.craigslist.org/mld/)